
TrueNas SCALE - Rebuild NetData Metrics

 I came across an issue after having some problems with one of my arrays. The metrics for things like network/cpu/etc were no longer loading. Regular console log kept saying "loading defaults" and not much information. After doing some digging I finally found that the DB files used with the metrics became corrupt. The fix is simple enough, rename the old DB files and restart the netdata daemon. First off saw the netdata daemon kept stopping even after starting it. systemctl status netdata What gave this away was finally finding in the NetData log that it had a SQLite error. Log Directory: /var/log/netdata Error Log: error.log Error Entry: SQLite error during database setup, rc = 10 (disk I/O error) I decided to take the hammer approach and rather than attempt to fix the DB files, I just renamed them and started the netdata daemon. DB Directory: /var/cache/netdata DB Files: netdata-meta.db netdata-meta.db-shm netdata-meta.db-wal Here is what I ended up running and everything s

ChurchApps - Open Source Software

I'd like to call out a special project that some folks I've known for a few years now have going on. It's completely open source and free for any Church. If your church is looking to save money on software or has been looking for a church management system. Go check these folks out!

Other Dabblings

Check out the other side of my blog. Commentary and Reviews

Outlook "Work Offline" Mode

 Since I've mainly only found this in terms of a VB Script. I'm going to post my version of it in PowerShell for anyone who is looking for something similar.  1: #Check if Outlook is online or offline mode 2: $Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application; 3: $State = if ($outlook.session.offline) {"Outlook has been set to work offline mode." } else { "Healthy - Outlook is in online mode." }; 4: $State; 5: 6: 7: #Toggle Outlook to online mode 8: Try { 9: $Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application 10: $State = "Toggle" 11: if ($outlook.session.offline) 12: { 13: $Outlook.ActiveExplorer().CommandBars.ExecuteMSO("ToggleOnline") 14: } 15: else 16: { 17: "Outlook already in online mode." 18: } 19: ConvertTo-Json($State) 20: } 21: Catch 22: { 23: If ($_.Exception.Message.Contains("Class not registered")) 2


 Just started dabbling in NFT creation. Feel free to check out what I'm working on (items in collection may vary)

Pfsense Multi-Lan Simple

 Greetings Folks! It's been a while since I've created a blog post. I recently stood up a Pfsense VM to setup a lab environment. I added a second virtual nic to connect to a separate physical network that would be an extension of the VM lab network. Yes I know I could just make the VM lab network extend to the physical but I wanted to have some easy isolation like bits. Plus get some experience on how to configure the virtual switches. There's lots of different references on how to allow traffic from LAN1 to OPTx and vice versa all over the internet. The simplest was the hardest to really find. So I'm putting here for easy reference. Any to Any rules on LAN1 and OPTx Firewalls

MEMCM Console Extension Node GUID

Recently needed to add some custom console extensions to some new nodes in the CM Console. Found this blog that was extremely useful for figuring out what the guid is for each item in the console.