
Showing posts from October, 2016

Specialized Application Reporting - Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of this 3 Part Series. In this portion we will discuss actually using the data that you created in 2 of this series. Now there are a few ways you can do this, you can create a SSRS report, or a Excel spreadsheet with datalinks, or create a Power BI report. My teammate opted for the Power BI Report which I have included the report file that you can download. There are a couple of variables in it that will need to be updated so that it connects to the database and data that we created in this series. Here is a download of the Power  BI Report file  in order to open the file you will need Power BI Desktop which is free from Microsoft. Just go to the Edit Queries and add your information. If you use Power BI you can get a nice colorful report looking something like the following: If you don't want to mess with Power BI or you have your own preferred way of creating reports. Here are the queries used in the Power BI file that loads t...

Specialized Application Reporting - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of this 3 Part Series. In this portion we will discuss building the data that you need for part 3 of this series. This is where things will get a bit confusing but I will try to make it make sense. A couple of points to remember upfront: All variables used in the WHERE statements are LIKE clauses. Examples shown are setup to handle an application deployment that is using more than one collection. Where you see [ ] fill in with your environment information These steps are designed to be used in a SQL Job and ran on a schedule, however I recommend running manually while you make sure everything is working as it should first. Step #1 - Update the vAppDeploymentResultsPerClient table USE [INSERT DB NAME HERE] DECLARE @AppName varchar(max) DECLARE @CollectionName1 varchar(max) DECLARE @CollectionName2 varchar(max) SET @AppName = '[ApplicationName]' SET @CollectionName1 = '[CollectionName]' SET @CollectionName2 = '[CollectionName]...

Specialized Application Reporting - Part 1

Welcome to Part 1 of this 3 Part Series. In this portion we will discuss the groundwork that will be used in part 2 and 3 of this series. It is recommended to do all this in a database that is not the CM database. Ideally you would have a database just for this (and on a different server, like say a dedicated reporting point). If you use a different server than the one containing your CM database. You will need to setup a Link Server for the queries to get data from the CM database. Now for the why are we doing this? Well this stemmed from one of my teammates getting tired of running the same queries over and over again for a project. Part 2 of this series will focus on the portion that can be turned into jobs that can run on a schedule. Part 3 will focus on giving a nice and pretty report that can be used for your own desires or to show others who like pretty colors. Setting up your tables: Below is the SQL required to setup the tables and view that will be used in part 2 an...

Using Powershell to Assign iOS devices to DEP profile

Hello fellow admins! As you can guess from the title, this post is dealing with a SCCM/Intune hybrid environment scenario. If you are in a hybrid environment you have probably noticed that using Apple DEP is a bit different than just using the Portal app on the phone. With that said, if you happen to be lucky enough to be able to delegate the mobile device management to another group. Then you will have probably also noticed that you can't limit security permissions below full admin if you want them to be able to assign devices to DEP. Well have no fear, here is a nifty bit of powershell that you can setup to run on a schedule (hint: think CI). This handy script will lookup mobile devices and then assign them. Basically it does what this dialog does. Now to the nitty gritty. First off I recommend you familiarize yourself with the MSDN technical documentation for the method  UpdateProfileIDForDevices , however what this documentation doesn't tell you is where the heck do...