
Showing posts from February, 2019

DP Content Location Request Powershell

If you ever need to see the DP location list coming from SCCM MP to a client. Here is a nifty script that will let you put in the information and see what it returns. Basically synthetic MP calls for DP Content List. [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Diagnostics") [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("c:\Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.dll") $ManagementPointSiteCode = "COP" $ManagementPoint = "Server.FQDN.local" $PackageID = "PackageID" $PackageVersion = "PackageVersion" $myDomain = "Domain.Whatever" $myForest = "Forest" $myCustomAdSite = "ADSite" # Set up the objects $httpSender = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.Sender.Http.HttpSender $clr = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.Messages.ConfigMgrContentLocationRequest $cmReply = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.ConfigurationManage...

Move and Resize BranchCache Hash/Data Cache on Distribution Point

This one is pretty self explanatory. If you use BranchCache by default it puts the caches on C: drive and you might find that your C: is the smallest drive (depending on your server configuration). Anyways here is something that will help you move those caches around and set them to a different size. #Check if cache already moved $CacheStatus = Get-BCStatus If(($CacheStatus.HashCache.CacheFileDirectoryPath -like 'E:\')-or($CacheStatus.DataCache.CacheFileDirectoryPath -like 'E:\')) {     Set-BCDataCacheEntryMaxAge -TimeDays 10     Return "Already Moved" } elseif ((Get-Volume -DriveLetter E).FileSystem -ne "NTFS") {     # Set Cache Sizes     get-bchashcache | set-bccache -Percentage 2 -Force -Confirm:$false     get-bcdatacache | set-bccache -Percentage 1 -Force -Confirm:$false     Set-BCDataCacheEntryMaxAge -TimeDays 10     Return "Destination Not NTFS" } else {     #Create New Directories ...

Powershell to enable "Download from Neighbor Boundary" on SCCM Applications

Greetings folks Here is another bit you might find fun and exciting. You ever have the need to setup/modify apps to allow download from neighbors (that little drop down box, not the check box for default boundary). Then you are in luck. Take a look at the following $OutFileName = "C:\EnterLogNameHere.log" $AllApps = Get-CMApplication $Agent99 = $AllApps | Where-Object {$_.LocalizedDisplayName -like "*IfYouWantToLimitIt*"} foreach($appType1 in $Agent99) { $allTypes1 = Get-CMDeploymentType -ApplicationName $appType1.LocalizedDisplayName forEach($appType in $allTypes1) { If ($appType.Technology -contains "MSI") { #"MSI" $appType.LocalizedDisplayName +";"+ $appType.Technology +";"+ "Updated to Download" | Out-File $OutFileName -Append Set-CMMsiDeploymentType -ApplicationId $appType1.CI_ID -DeploymentTypeName $appType.LocalizedDisplayName -SlowNetworkDeploymentMode Download      } elseif ($appType....