DP Content Location Request Powershell
If you ever need to see the DP location list coming from SCCM MP to a client. Here is a nifty script that will let you put in the information and see what it returns. Basically synthetic MP calls for DP Content List. [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Diagnostics") [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("c:\Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.dll") $ManagementPointSiteCode = "COP" $ManagementPoint = "Server.FQDN.local" $PackageID = "PackageID" $PackageVersion = "PackageVersion" $myDomain = "Domain.Whatever" $myForest = "Forest" $myCustomAdSite = "ADSite" # Set up the objects $httpSender = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.Sender.Http.HttpSender $clr = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.Messages.ConfigMgrContentLocationRequest $cmReply = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.ConfigurationManage...