
Showing posts from 2024

TrueNas SCALE - Rebuild NetData Metrics

 I came across an issue after having some problems with one of my arrays. The metrics for things like network/cpu/etc were no longer loading. Regular console log kept saying "loading defaults" and not much information. After doing some digging I finally found that the DB files used with the metrics became corrupt. The fix is simple enough, rename the old DB files and restart the netdata daemon. First off saw the netdata daemon kept stopping even after starting it. systemctl status netdata What gave this away was finally finding in the NetData log that it had a SQLite error. Log Directory: /var/log/netdata Error Log: error.log Error Entry: SQLite error during database setup, rc = 10 (disk I/O error) I decided to take the hammer approach and rather than attempt to fix the DB files, I just renamed them and started the netdata daemon. DB Directory: /var/cache/netdata DB Files: netdata-meta.db netdata-meta.db-shm netdata-meta.db-wal Here is what I ended up running and everything s