Prestaging/Extracting Content

Here is another take on the creating of prestaged content and extracting content from one of my teammates. He did state that it does require Powershell 3 and higher to run. Also to note the extract content script will delete the prestage files once they have been extracted, however you can change the comments around and it will just move them to a done folder instead of deleting them. The extract content one uses the extract folder parameter instead of the actual file name to get around the character limit on a the parameter length.

Prestage All Content

if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) {Read-Host "This must be run from 32-bit Powershell";exit}

$SiteCode = "PRI"
$Server = "PrimaryServer"
$DP = "DistributionPointServer"
$FolderToSaveTo = "C:\PrestageContent"
Import-Module "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
#$Overwrite = $true
$Overwrite = $false

$Namespace = "root\SMS\site_" + $SiteCode
$SiteDrive = $SiteCode + ":\"
if ($FolderToSaveTo.EndsWith("\")) {$FolderToSaveTo = $FolderToSaveTo.SubString(0,$FolderToSaveTo.Length - 1)}
if(!(Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $FolderToSaveTo}
if((!(Test-Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Applications")) -and (Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo\Applications.txt)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Applications"}
if((!(Test-Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Packages")) -and (Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo\Packages.txt)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Packages"}
if((!(Test-Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Software_Update_Packages")) -and (Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo\Software_Update_Packages.txt)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Software_Update_Packages"}
if((!(Test-Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Boot_Image_Packages")) -and (Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo\Boot_Images.txt)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Boot_Image_Packages"}
if((!(Test-Path "$FolderToSaveTo\OS_Images")) -and (Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Images.txt)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$FolderToSaveTo\OS_Images"}
if((!(Test-Path "$FolderToSaveTo\OS_Upgrades")) -and (Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Upgrades.txt)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$FolderToSaveTo\OS_Upgrades"}
if((!(Test-Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Drivers")) -and (Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo\Drivers.txt)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$FolderToSaveTo\Drivers"}

If (Test-Path -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Applications.txt) {
Get-Content -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Applications.txt | ForEach-Object {
    #$Query = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from SMS_Application where ISLatest='true' and LocalizedDisplayName='$_'" -ComputerName $Server -Namespace $Namespace
#$AppID = $Query.CI_UniqueID
$AppName = $_
    $AppFileName = $AppName -replace '/', '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace [regex]::Escape('\'), '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace [regex]::Escape(':'), '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace [regex]::Escape('*'), '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace [regex]::Escape('?'), '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace [regex]::Escape('*'), '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace [regex]::Escape('#'), '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace '<', '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace '>', '_'
    $AppFileName = $AppFileName -replace [regex]::Escape('|'), '_'
$FileName = "$FolderToSaveTo\Applications\$AppFileName.pkgx"
$Skip = $false
if ($Overwrite -eq $false) {if (Test-Path $FileName) {$Skip = $true}}
if ($Skip -eq $false) {
if (Test-Path $FileName) {Remove-Item $FileName -Force}
CD "$SiteDrive"
        Write-Host 'Application: ' $AppName
        Publish-CMPrestageContent -ApplicationName $AppName -DisableExportAllDependencies -FileName $FileName -DistributionPointName $DP
Rename-Item -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Applications.txt $FolderToSaveTo\Applications.txt.DONE

If (Test-Path -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Packages.txt) {
Get-Content -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Packages.txt | ForEach-Object {
    #$Query = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from SMS_Package" -ComputerName $Server -Namespace $Namespace
    $PackageID = $_
$FileName = "$FolderToSaveTo\Packages\$PackageID.pkgx"
CD "C:\"
$Skip = $false
if ($Overwrite -eq $false) {if (Test-Path $FileName) {$Skip = $true}}
if ($Skip -eq $false) {
if (Test-Path $FileName) {Remove-Item $FileName -Force}
CD "$SiteDrive"
        Write-Host 'Package: ' $PackageID
Publish-CMPrestageContent -PackageID $PackageID -FileName $FileName -DistributionPointName $DP
Rename-Item -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Packages.txt $FolderToSaveTo\Packages.txt.DONE

If (Test-Path -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Boot_Image_Packages.txt) {
Get-Content -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Boot_Image_Packages.txt | ForEach-Object {
    #$Query = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_BootImagePackage WHERE ActionInProgress!=3" -ComputerName $Server -Namespace $Namespace
    $PackageID = $_
$FileName = "$FolderToSaveTo\Boot_Image_Packages\$PackageID.pkgx"
CD "C:\"
$Skip = $false
if ($Overwrite -eq $false) {if (Test-Path $FileName) {$Skip = $true}}
if ($Skip -eq $false) {
if (Test-Path $FileName) {Remove-Item $FileName -Force}
CD "$SiteDrive"
        Write-Host 'Boot Image: ' $PackageID
Publish-CMPrestageContent -BootImageID $PackageID -FileName $FileName -DistributionPointName $DP
Rename-Item -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Boot_Image_Packages.txt $FolderToSaveTo\Boot_Image_Packages.txt.DONE

If (Test-Path -Path $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Images.txt) {
Get-Content -Path $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Images.txt | ForEach-Object {
    #$Query = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_ImagePackage WHERE ActionInProgress!=3" -ComputerName $Server -Namespace $Namespace
    $PackageID = $_
$FileName = "$FolderToSaveTo\OS_Images\$PackageID.pkgx"
CD "C:\"
$Skip = $false
if ($Overwrite -eq $false) {if (Test-Path $FileName) {$Skip = $true}}
if ($Skip -eq $false) {
if (Test-Path $FileName) {Remove-Item $FileName -Force}
CD "$SiteDrive"
        Write-Host 'OS Image: ' $PackageID
Publish-CMPrestageContent -OperatingSystemImageID $PackageID -FileName $FileName -DistributionPointName $DP
Rename-Item -Path $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Images.txt $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Images.txt.DONE

If (Test-Path -Path $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Upgrades.txt) {
Get-Content -Path $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Upgrades.txt | ForEach-Object {
    #$Query = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_OperatingSystemInstallPackage WHERE ActionInProgress!=3" -ComputerName $Server -Namespace $Namespace
    $PackageID = $_
$FileName = "$FolderToSaveTo\OS_Upgrades\$PackageID.pkgx"
CD "C:\"
$Skip = $false
if ($Overwrite -eq $false) {if (Test-Path $FileName) {$Skip = $true}}
if ($Skip -eq $false) {
if (Test-Path $FileName) {Remove-Item $FileName -Force}
CD "$SiteDrive"
        Write-Host 'OS Installer: ' $PackageID
Publish-CMPrestageContent -OperatingSystemInstallerID $PackageID -FileName $FileName -DistributionPointName $DP
Rename-Item -Path $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Upgrades.txt $FolderToSaveTo\OS_Upgrades.txt.DONE

If (Test-Path -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Drivers.txt) {
Get-Content -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Drivers.txt | ForEach-Object {
    #$Query = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from SMS_DriverPackage" -ComputerName $Server -Namespace $Namespace
    $PackageID = $_
$FileName = "$FolderToSaveTo\Drivers\$PackageID.pkgx"
CD "C:\"
$Skip = $false
if ($Overwrite -eq $false) {if (Test-Path $FileName) {$Skip = $true}}
if ($Skip -eq $false) {
if (Test-Path $FileName) {Remove-Item $FileName -Force}
CD "$SiteDrive"
        Write-Host 'Driver Package: ' $PackageID
Publish-CMPrestageContent -DriverPackageID $PackageID -FileName $FileName -DistributionPointName $DP
Rename-Item -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Drivers.txt $FolderToSaveTo\Drivers.txt.DONE

If (Test-Path -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Software_Update_Packages.txt) {
Get-Content -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Software_Update_Packages.txt | ForEach-Object {
    #$Query = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_SoftwareUpdatesPackage WHERE ActionInProgress!=3" -ComputerName $Server -Namespace $Namespace
    $PackageID = $_
    $FileName = "$FolderToSaveTo\Software_Update_Packages\$PackageID.pkgx"
CD "C:\"
$Skip = $false
if ($Overwrite -eq $false) {if (Test-Path $FileName) {$Skip = $true}}
if ($Skip -eq $false) {
if (Test-Path $FileName) {Remove-Item $FileName -Force}
CD "$SiteDrive"
        Write-Host 'Software Update Package: ' $PackageID
Publish-CMPrestageContent -DeploymentPackageID $PackageID -FileName $FileName -DistributionPointName $DP
Rename-Item -Path $FolderToSaveTo\Software_Update_Packages.txt $FolderToSaveTo\Software_Update_Packages.txt.DONE

Extract All Content

$FolderToSaveTo = "C:\PrestageContent\_Done"
$WorkingFolder = "C:\PrestageContent"

If (((Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Setup)."Installation Directory") -ne $NULL) {$ExtractContentPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Setup)."Installation Directory"+"\bin\X64\extractcontent.exe"}

(Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType = 3").DeviceID | ForEach-Object {
If (Test-Path "$_\SMS_DP$\sms\Tools\ExtractContent.exe") {$ExtractContentPath = "$_\SMS_DP$\sms\Tools\ExtractContent.exe"}

(Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkingFolder -Directory).Name | ForEach-Object {
$Folder = $_

#if(!(Test-Path $FolderToSaveTo\$Folder)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $FolderToSaveTo\$Folder}
if(!(Test-Path $WorkingFolder\$Folder\DoIt)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $WorkingFolder\$Folder\DoIt}

(Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkingFolder\$Folder -Recurse -Include *.pkgx).Name | ForEach-Object {
#$Name = $_
Write-Host "`n" "Files Left: " ((Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkingFolder\$Folder -Recurse -Include *.pkgx) | Measure-Object).Count "`n"
& Write-Host $_.SubString(0,$_.Length - 5) "`n"
& Move-Item $WorkingFolder\$Folder\$_ $WorkingFolder\$Folder\DoIt
& $ExtractContentPath /P:$WorkingFolder\$Folder\DoIt /F
#& Move-Item $WorkingFolder\$Folder\DoIt\$_ $FolderToSaveTo\$Folder
& Remove-Item $WorkingFolder\$Folder\DoIt\$_
If (((Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkingFolder\$Folder -Recurse -Include *.pkgx) | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {Remove-Item -Path $WorkingFolder\$Folder -Force -Recurse}


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