Computer Monitor Inventory Data Query
Greetings Folks! Today's post is going to talk about computer monitor inventory data. While I have found a good post from a Technet blog to get you started, I've had to modify the query referenced in that blog. As I found their query to be a bit on the broken side. So naturally I fixed it. Also you don't have to go through the whole modifying the mof file to collect the monitor data. There is actually already a WMI class in windows so you just have to go into the default client settings for hardware inventory and add/select the class. The class you need is WMIMONITORID The neat thing about this WMI class is that the monitor model is stored in ASCI numeric comma separated values. So you get to convert it letter by letter (or should I say two numbers by two numbers). In order to do the conversion, we are using a cursor. While some of you SQL experts out there may say that this is not the most elegant method. It gets the job done, be it a bit slowly. Anyways now to...