Powershell to submit unidentified software in SCCM Asset Intelligence

Hello folks

Have you ever thought "There's got to be an easier way than doing 100 at a time" when you are choosing software to upload to MSFT for AI identification? Well then you are in luck for here is a little something to make it easier on you.
*Common note, please make sure you control how many you do. Otherwise you will probably overload things.

Get the AI Software objects that are unknow.

$wsql = "Select * from SMS_AISoftwareList Where State = 4"
$output = Get-WmiObject -Query $wsql -Namespace "root\sms\site_code" -ComputerName "YourServer"

Then just add your logic for looping the update.

foreach ($app in $output)
{    ([wmiclass]'\\YourServer\root\sms\site_code:SMS_AISoftwareList').SetCategorizationRequest($app.SoftwareKey)  

Now you can just sit back and watch the provider log roll. However it is a better idea to only do the apps that you know need to be uploaded. So you can add items to your query to remove in house written apps.


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