Packages missing SMB share information

Well came across another interesting one today. We had an OSD package that wasn't working in run from dp. Ended up being an issue very similar to the issue that occurs if you have a pull dp under a secondary site.
Based on some talks with support on the other issue, here is a handy query to identify the issue. You can also give this query and the results to CSS to help them resolve your issue faster.

-- Broken Packages
select cdpm.SiteCode, ContentID,ServerName,AccessType,URL,URLSubPath,URLProtocol,vpkg.Name from ContentDPMap as cdpm
join v_Package as vpkg on vpkg.PackageID = cdpm.ContentID
where cdpm.AccessType = 2 --UNCProtocol
and cdpm.URLSubPath = '\' --Packages with issues only have a '\'
and vpkg.PkgFlags = (vpkg.PkgFlags | 0x80) --Limit to only show packages with the 'Copy To Package Share' flag set

Now for the !!!!!!DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME (Production)!!!!!! section. I recommend that you contact CSS but to help point them in the right direction give them the previous query and this one.

SET @DriveLetter = 'I'
SET URL = N'\\'+ServerName+'\SMSPKG' + @DriveLetter + '$\' + ContentID + N'\', URLSubPath = N'\SMSPKG' + @DriveLetter + '$\' + ContentID + N'\'
JOIN v_Package VPKG ON VPKG.PackageID = CDPM.ContentID
WHERE cdpm.AccessType = 2 --UNCProtocol
AND CDPM.URLSubPath = '\' --Packages with issues only have a '\'
AND vpkg.PkgFlags = (VPKG.PkgFlags | 0x80) --Limit to only show packages with the 'Copy To Package Share' flag set

and cdpm.ContentID NOT IN ('insert bad package paths') -- Excluded 'bad' package paths or you can modify this to only target a specific package.


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